Select which Alternate Names to Print 


When you are printing a Book report (Register Book, Indented Book, or Ahnentafel Book) there is an option on the "fields to include" tab to show the alternate names for each person.   The alternate names are the additional names that you entered on the Edit screen on the Names tab.  (The Names tab is in the middle of the Edit screen near the tabs for Children, Notes, and Pictures.)   If you turn that option on to print alternate names, then the default is to print all of the alternate names for each person, except it will not print the "short name" and it will not print any name marked "never print".


Just below the option to show alternate names is a check box that says "select which alternate names."  If you check that box, then it will open a new screen where you can specify which alternate names to print.  


There are two sections.  The top section lists the 20 types of alternate names and you can pick the exact types of name or names you want printed.   The bottom section will let you pick which names to print based on that you have specified in the "print where" column for the names.


So for example, if you only check the Nickname box in the top section, then it will only print alternate names that are Nicknames and not other types of names.


Or if you only check the bottom choice for "book reports" then it will only print alternate names that you have marked for Book Reports on the Edit screen when you entered the alternate names.


You can check some boxes in the top section and also in the bottom section.  So for example, if you check Married name in the top section and also check "book reports" in the bottom section, then it will print the Married name for everyone that has one and it will also print any type of alternate name that is marked to print on Book Reports.